to all
our supporters...
The most convenient way to support The Ark Food bank, is through a monthly standing order – so your donations are transferred automatically from your bank account to The Ark’s.
To set up a standing order, you simply log into your online
bank and give them the relevant details, (see below) or you can download and complete the Standing Order Form and take it to your local bank.
If you prefer you may request one from our accounts department at (accounts@congyah.co.uk).
You can review and amend your standing order at any time. If you choose to set up a standing order, please let us know at The Ark so we can identify your gift.
Workers, at The Ark Foodbank want to convey our heartfelt gratitude to all our supporters... Thank you!
The Congregation’s Bank Details
Account Number: 03168735
Sort Code: 09-07-20
Please reference The Foodbank